Testi canzoni Ahumado Granujo
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Bender testo
- Zoodiac testo
- Trip Off testo
- Edward The Liquorhands testo
- Propaganda testo
- Faggotura testo
- Eight Hours Bread testo
- Pickled Temelín testo
- Le Ketamin testo
- Killing Anus (Cock And Ball Torture Cover) testo
- Citron B testo
- Jesus Crystal testo
- Creation's Scourge (Krisiun Remake) testo
- Sandokal testo
- Ashtray Made Of Pork testo
- U-herák testo
- A Life's A Life (Disrupt Cover) testo
- Schindler's Acquaintance Service testo
- Composed By SPEAKERMASSAGE / SS3X testo
- Composed By VA-AN-YA testo
Chemical Holocaust (2004)
- Everyday Consumation (The Legend Continues...) testo
- Golden Intestinal Cyst testo
- To Mince And Fuck Up testo
- Dumplings, Cabbage, Techno testo
- Messerschmitt & Junkers - Madfakrz Bunkrz testo
- Ashtray Made Of Beef testo
- Attention! Your Vitreous Body Is Running Out testo
- Desensitized (Regurgitate Cover) testo
- Secretion Of The Shrubbery testo
- Rebound Phenomenon During The Sudden Withdrawal Of Antihypertensional Medication testo
- Cold Turkey testo
- Exingushing The Swollen Balls testo
- Virtually Self-Urinated testo
- Heroin Harrashment testo
- Faekalic Hydroxide testo
- Oslotron testo
- Cunt Slime testo
- Dead Body Love (Pungent Stench Cover) testo