Testi canzoni Adair
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- The Destruction Of Everything (Valley Of Fire) testo
- Barricade The Doors testo
- The Art Of Staying Alive testo
- I Buried My Heart In Cosmo Park testo
- Separate Your Jaw testo
- Folding And Unfolding testo
- The Prison Island testo
- The Diamond Ring testo
- In The Corner, Quietly Dying testo
- Mouths Join In The Cold testo
- Vanity And Death (Their Faces Crumbled Away) testo
- The Ghosts Of Who We Were testo
- The Beginning Of Something New (City Of Hope) testo
The Destruction Of Everything Is The Beginning Of Something New (2006)
- Afraid To Breathe testo
- Connecticut testo
- Alone In The City Of Robots testo
- Midwestern Hand-grenade testo
- Inflamed Nerve Endings testo