Testi canzoni A Human And His Stds
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- By The Way testo
- The Brother testo
- Live Fast, Die Drunk testo
- Punker Stacy testo
- Rainy City testo
- T.O.U.CH. (Thoughts Of An Unborn Child) testo
- Stay testo
- The Love Machine testo
- Till' Death Do Us Part testo
- Lady In The Water testo
- Mermaids Can't Cry testo
- Home Sweet Home testo
- Drink And Forget (About Her) testo
- Azelia's Kiss testo
- 20 Years Till' Midnight testo
- At The End Of A Rope (Facing The Gallows) testo
The Love Machine (2008)
- Soundclip testo
- Pour Me testo
- Keggar testo
- Heart Break Remedy testo
- Superman Is Dead testo
- Beautiful People testo
- White Lies testo
- White Power Boy testo
- The Devil Went Down To Santa Maria testo
- Punker Bob testo
- One Tragic Christmas testo
- Teardrops In Blood testo