Testi canzoni Obliveon
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Call Of Silence
- Sequels
- Frosted avowals
- Android Succubus
- Cats And Dogs
- Sombre Phase
- Polarity
- Nemesis
- Cybervoid
- So Many Things
- Chronocraze
- Strays Of The Soul
- Fiction Of Veracity
- Love, Die, Resurrect
- Vectors
- It should Have Stayed Unreal
- Downward
- Fatal Induction
- Deus Ex Machina
- Imminent Regenarator
- Devil In My Eyes
- Psychomatrix
- Biomecanique
- Droidomized
- Perihelion
- Drift Of The Spheres
- Desert Incorporel
- Factory Of Delusions
- Estranging Abduction
- Subgod
- The Thinker's Lair
- Obscure Mindways
- Coercive Currents
- Dynamo
- Such A Quiet River
- From This Day Forward
- Imminent Regenerator
- Access To The acropolis
- Technocarnivore Mothermouth
- Glass Made Of Flesh