Testi canzoni Dread Sovereign
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- The Devil's Venom
- All Hell's Martyrs, Transmissions From The Devil Star
- Drink The Wine
- Scourging Iron
- Pray To The Devil In Man
- Cthulhu Opiate Haze
- We Wield The Spear Of Longinus
- Cathars To Their Doom
- The Great Beast
- Thirteen Clergy
- She Wolves Of The Savage Season
- Devil's Bane
- Her Master's Voice
- You Don't Move Me (I Don't Give A Fuck)
- Viral Tomb
- The Great Beast We Serve
- Ruin Upon The Temple Mount
- A Curse On Men
- Nature Is The Devil's Church