Testi canzoni David Bazan
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Lost My Shape
- Harmless Sparks
- Virginia
- Little Motor
- With You
- When They Really Get To Know You They Will Run
- Wolves At The Door
- People
- I Do
- Lazerbeams
- Up All Night
- The Ballad Of Pedro Y Blanco
- Trouble With Boys
- Oblivion
- The Fleecing
- Cold Beer & Cigarettes
- Priests And Paramedics
- Messes
- Future Past
- Eating Paper
- Someone Else's Bet
- Inner Lives
- Keep Trying
- Bands With Managers
- Permanent Record
- Kept Secrets
- Care
- Little Landslide
- Over Again
- Both Hands
- Won't Let Go
- Strange Negotiations
- Make Music
- Disappearing Ink
- Sparkling Water
- Level With Yourself
- Don't Change
- Teardrops
- Cold Beer And Cigarettes
- Selling Advertising
- Backwoods Nation
- Fewer Broken Pieces
- How I Remember