Testi canzoni Botch
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Afghamistam
- Vietmam
- To Our Friends In The Great White North
- Oma
- Man The Ramparts
- Micaragua
- Japam
- Closure
- Spaim
- C. Thomas Howell As The 'soul Man'
- God Vs. Science
- Spitting Black
- O Fortuna
- Frequency Ass Bandit
- Dead for a Minute
- Framce
- Hives
- Rock Lobster
- Inch By Inch
- Mondrian Was A Liar
- Dali's Praying Mantis
- John Woo
- Contraction
- In Spite Of This
- Rejection Spoken Softly
- Ebb
- Swimming The Channel Vs. Driving The Chunnel
- Hutton's Great Heat Engine
- Thank God For Worker Bees
- Third Part In A Tragedy
- Saint Matthew Returns To The Womb
- I Wanna Be A Sex Symbol On My Own Terms
- Transistions From Persona To Object