Testi canzoni Anja Garbarek
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Stay Tuned
- Vil Du Være Med
- Her Room
- Word Is Out
- Beyond My Control
- Somme Tider
- Løp Alt Du Kan
- Can I Keep Him
- Big Mouth
- Yes
- Just One Of Those Days
- Du
- I Won't Hurt You
- I.C.U.
- Dizzy With Wonder
- Sleep
- Dekk Deg Til
- Balloon Mood
- The Gown
- You Know
- The Cabinet
- The Last Trick
- The Diver
- Blinking Blocks Of Light
- Male øynene Dine
- This Momentous Day
- And Then
- Vingene Mine
- Spin The Context
- Shock Activities
- Velkommen Inn
- She Collects (Stuff Like That)
- Det Du Ser
- Er Det Flere Her
- That's All
- Still Guarding Space
- It Seems We Talk
- Strange Noises
- Something Written
- My Fellow Riders
- Born That Way
- The Telescope Man Says
- Elsker Du Som Jeg
- Picking Up Pieces