Testi canzoni Adagio
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Lara Fabian
- Trippin' Away
- Codex Oscura
- Fear Circus
- Vamphyri
- Introitus / Solvet Saeclum In Favilla
- Life
- Getsu Senshi
- Torn
- Archangels In Black
- The Fifth Ankh
- The Astral Pathway
- The Ladder
- Subrahmanya
- Twilight At Dawn
- I'll Possess You
- Secluded Within Myself
- Undead
- Darkness Machine
- The Grand Spirit Voyage
- Seven Lands Of Sin
- Order Of Enlil
- R'Lyeh The Dead
- Immigrant Song
- Promises
- Kissing The Crow
- Next Profundis
- Arcanas Tenebrae / Dominate
- Missa Aeterna (Bonus Track)
- Chosen
- Second Sight
- Terror Jungle
- Children Of The Dead Lake
- In Nomine...
- Underworld
- Panem Et Circences
- The Inner Road
- Fame
- Fire Forever
- The Stringless Violin
- Niflheim
- The Mirror Stage
- The Darkitecht
- From My Sleep... To Someone Else
- Undying
- Sanctus Ignis
- Introitus