You Testo

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Testo You


You are the darkest of nights

where I will wander from alley to alley to alley

In search of a bottle of light

You are a woman who chose

Running half naked from alley to alley to alley

in search of a knife and a rose…


Where does our story go?

Is there an apple to bite, shiny and red,

and if I do,

Will I fall dead at your feet?


where does the music flow?
Is it the river of Jordan, holy and cold,

Will you jump in?

Are you as bold as you seem…


resaca del corazón,

contestador que repite,

repite y repite

llorando su absurda canción.


banquete del colibrí,

peonza que va dando vueltas

y vueltas y vueltas

por un olivar sefardí.


huérfano y desertor,

tataranieto de Abraham


bufón del mes,

vecino de Lavapiés.


fui tu príncipe azul

y envejecí en un desván,

Peter sin Pan,

Robin sin Hood,

silbando un canto viudo.


You make me feel like a fool

Lets run together from alley to alley to alley

Like children escaping the rule..


la favorita de un rey

con su maleta que rueda,

que rueda, que rueda

por mil aeropuertos sin ley.


mendigo de estación,

bastardo del rey David,

yerno del Cid,

macho sin fe,

don Juan rendido a tus pies.


Gently you raise your bow,

I see your eyes full of fire,

Robin , no hood,

Bad turns to good,

Good ‘s an unfaithful lover..