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Karma (skit) Testo

Traduzione di Karma (skit) bandiera italia

Testo Karma (skit)

Okay, it's me again
I've called you, like 30 times now
Why can't you answer the phone now?
And no I have called you back a billion times
Why can't you answer the phone?
What? Yeah, I know, I'm sorry
I told you, that none of that meant nothing to me
Noth-nothing meant nothing to me (I gave you everything)
He didn't mean anything to me
I told you I was there for you
So you just gon' give everything I gave you to somebody else?
You just gon' give me all away like that?
Nigga, you was just calling me
Yeah you was the one saying all that, but I don't care
I love you, I have always loved you
But, I wouldn't, I wouldn't be calling you if I didn't love you
I love you
You don't have hang up the phone, don't hang up the, what are you doing
None that that, that ain't gon' mean shit to me
I don't give a fuck about what you got, I really love you
Okay, but I said don't hang up the phone, I wanna talk to you