A Cry In The Wilderness Testo

Testo A Cry In The Wilderness

In beauty pristine
The nexus is concealed
In the blackbirds ornate songs
Lo, it is revealed
Clandestine in the oaks
Majestic crown
By an ordinary act
Of kindness it is known

In the burden of distress There is an urging call
In the unexpected chance
A beckon from Lugus' hall
In the bliss of true love
There is foreboding
And in suffering
Oneiric revealing

The endless knot
At twilight's call
Pervading the vastness of being

The fingerprints of Antumnos
Are everywhere around us
The sun of the night is shining so bright
On all we could see
The umbilical cord
Hark, it reaches down into the dark
The sun of the night is blazing so bright
The fire primal born from Antumnos
Perpetually burning in the omphalos
Was made flesh and dwelt among us
Full of truth and grace

The book lies open
The gateways are calling
The echoes ring out
The words are heard

The fingerprints of Antumnos
Are everywhere around us
The sun of the night is shining so bright
On all we could see
The umbilical cord
Hark, it reaches down into the dark
The sun of the night is blazing so bright

Aidus esti-io gnata uer axsin bitous
Uertassit in uextlon

The fingerprints of Antumnos
Are everywhere around us
The sun of the night is shining so bright
On all we could see
The umbilical cord
Hark, it reaches down into the dark
The sun of the night is blazing so bright