On the road Testo

Testo On the road

Mrs Toad The scrubbings and the washings

And the noses with the drippings

And the soapas always boiling...

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Si, Si

Mrs Toad The panes and windows falling
With the diaper changing

With the roof she's leaking

And the enchiladas spoiling

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Oooh...

Mrs Toad Do you know how to do these things

Like you will have to do these things

Or does the very thought of it make you wince

Thumbelina, Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Uhh...

Mrs Toad [I thought so]

Then, don't marry the prince
Thumbelina [Oh dear]

Mrs Toad [You see, hey? You become a big a-star like me. We make big moneys together. You make Mama rich. You are important person. You are famous. You are a star!]

Thumbelina [A star? Well, I suppose...]

Mrs Toad [Now, repeat after me...]

We are the singers de Espana, the original cast

And there hasn't been a town we haven't played

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel We are the singers de Espana and we sing very fast

Mozo We get on

Grundel We get off

Gringo We get paid

Mrs Toad [Sing!]

Thumbelina [Could you say that a little slower?]

Mrs Toad [Slower? We don't do ballads.]

Thumbelina [Oh, maybe I could take notes.]

Mrs Toad We are free and independent, we go everywhere

And we gotcha gotcha gochee all the way

We're gonna teach you how to samba and to ramba y la bamba

and every number Thumbelina, say ole!

Mrs Toad, Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Come on the road, my little castanet

Come on the road, and famous you will get

Mrs Toad I'll make you star, get you small guitar

Mrs Toad, Mozo, Gringo, Grundel You'll be hot muchacha once I gotcha

Mrs Toad On the road

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Thumbelinacita! No one could be sweet-a!

Sing with Mamacita! We go on the road, Huah!

Mrs Toad [Ay, yi yi yi yi! Ay, que pero bien bailan mis ranitos la conga!]

[Now we sing]

We open Monday in Medina then we do Babylon

Then we hop to Barcelona for a week

Then for a month in Athens at the Parthenon

Where they love us 'cause we do the show in Greek

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel We are the finest in the business, it's a well known fact

And you'll forgive us if we have to blow the horn

Mrs Toad Because this isn't any ordinary animal act

And today a star is born!

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Go on the road, you'll hear the peoples roar

You're not a toad

Mrs Toad But that's what make-up's for

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Just sing on pitch, we get very rich

Wait until they see the Thumbelina

Mrs Toad On the road

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Singing Thumbelina, dancing Thumbelina, something Thumbelina

Mrs Toad Now I make her sing

Thumbelina AAaaaaahhhhhhh!

Mrs Toad [Bueno, muy bueno, you got it!]

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Come on the road, we make you big success

Come on the road

Mrs Toad You're in the union, yes?

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel The life, she's sweet

Mrs Toad [Si!]

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel Lots of flies to eat

Mrs Toad [Yum yum!]

Mozo, Gringo, Grundel So why be little fish in little pond

When you can go so far beyond

Mrs Toad I think perhaps we make you blonde

Mrs Toad, Mozo, Gringo, Grundel When we get on the road

Thumbelina On the road

All Let's hit the road! Ole!