Cynically Yours Testo

Testo Cynically Yours

You know I love you one hundred percent

Of the amount I'm capable of loving you

And you know I need you to the fullest extent

It's feasible for me to be needing you

I believe in us as much or maybe more
Than I've ever believed in anything before

In a world full of doubt

Don't know what I'm sure about

But you don't suck

So I'm cynically yours

It's true I mistrust you, but don't take it the wrong way

I'm more gullible than I've ever been

And if they held a contest for the person most likely

To fall for your bull I'd probably win
The thought of us together doesn't fill me with dread

I can picture being with you til one or both of us is dead

At the end of the day

I've got nothing good to say

But you don't suck

So I'm cynically yours

I, your loving (blank), take you (insert name here)

Because frankly I'm just too tired to look around anymore

You drive reasonably well, have most of your own teeth

And not much of a prison record so that's good

Plus you claim to love my ass and I have a tape to prove it

Which makes me think this thing really could work

However, in the event that our mutual disappointment

Outweighs the positive aspects of this union

We agree to part

Without the destruction of crockery, automobiles,

Or each others' good name

In print or in song

At the end of the day I've got nothing good to say

But you don't suck

So I'm cynically yours