I'm Sorry Testo

Testo I'm Sorry

I'm sorry for all the broken promises
and all the shattered dreams
Of what we could have been
I know that when we were tested
I failed it for us both
I was never good at tests
And when it counted I still failed

I'm sorry I made you believe I was your ace
But i turned out to be the joker
Now you left alone
The old maid
Well I guess we both loss this game

If I had the chance again
I would never have gone the distance
I never would have said the things
That I made you believe were true
Brick houses sink when built on sand
Just as relationships built on false truths
That I can never take back


Dry your salty tears dear
Don't cry over me
You will find better
Better than I could ever be for you
You deserve it
So as I fade in your mind
and you fade in mine
I'm sorry I failed
and godspeed to you now
